Latest Trip ==> Turkey/Cyprus Trip • 22-29/Mar/2009 <== Latest Trip
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Official GULLEP Family Website
— Istanbul, Turkey —

new_red.gif Date: 18/Apr/2009

This website is the official website ofthe GULLEP family — originating from Istanbul, Turkey, and now, all around the wolrld.

Currently, it contains the photos of the many trips we have taken over the years.

• 2009                                                     
    • Album #1: 22-29/Mar/2009  



Year 2009, Album #1 — A Quick 1-week Trip
Date: 18/Apr/2009
I had to make a quick 1-week trip to Turkey/Cyprus to get a new TRNC passport for myself.

[Click here to see all the photos]

And, more photos  in the Albums section.

Next Trip — No plan yet!
Date: 18/Apr/2009
The next trip is scheduled for XX/Xxx/2009, and is confirmed to <not planned yet :>.

Feel free to e-mail to me if you would liek to join along.


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